Tag Archives: warts

When you think the ‘cure’ is worse than the condition

It’s infusion day. I am SO glad, this month, that it is infusion day.

I’ve probably been pushing too hard (let’s face it, that’s kind of a given).

Stress has been high.

But I think part of why my hands are SCREAMING right now is because I went to the dermatologist. Apparently a tendency to accumulate warts is a thing with RA. Who would have guessed. Shocking I know. But I’ve been acquiring several (they treated 8) and the ones I’ve been acquiring have started to become problematic. So five months ago I got the first available dermatologist appointment I could get. She froze my warts and gave me instructions on what to do as aftercare (soak hands 20 min in the evening… emery boards to file them down… salacitic acid…) . Blisters are a good thing! Nope. The freezing hurt like a… well, you know the rest of that saying… but man, after the pain and stinging of the freezing… the blisters really are hurting.

And… I’m pretty sure that contributed to the flair.

So, I’m sitting here, thanking my lucky stars it is good drugs day… slathering on the Tiger Balm (because it turns out that Voltaren Gel is bad for dogs and I can’t very well wash my hands after I put it on when my hands are what is screaming)… and considering if it was really worth it trying to get the stupid warts under control.

It was. I know it was.

But damn… there are times when I really believe that the cure is worse than the condition in a lot of cases.

I keep thinking things can’t possibly get worse. Eventually life has to start not sucking, right?

Counting down to Thanksgiving and hoping to maybe go to Denny’s… and Giant Eagle for some Turkey legs to smoke on the grill.
