Methotrexate Shots

It’s Friday.  Today was supposed to be the first time I gave myself my MTX shot in my stomach.  I sat on the commode for half an hour trying to “just drop the needle into the stomach”.  In the end, I was a weenie and I just couldn’t do it.  I’m not proud of this but it is what it is.  There was just something in my head keeping me from sticking myself.  Adam is sure that next week I will be able to do it.  I’m not so sure.  I do know that bear was my hero.  I handed the needle to him and he just… gave me my shot.  He said he was just thinking… it is a pin cushion… it is a pin cushion.  He made sure that I got the medicine I needed.

I SO don’t understand how anyone who doesn’t HAVE to do that to themselves can willingly stick the shiny little needle into their body on a routine basis.

Now, this week’s meds are done.  Yeah!!!

Amandya is asleep upstairs on her floor.  I’m not sure what it is about her floor, but she seems to like sleeping there.  It might just be that she doesn’t want to clean off the bed.  Whatever it is, she is curled up under her fuzzy Marine blanket (I bought yardage last year at Walmart for her… half of it is on her wall, the other half is her blanket).  She came home early today.  Her side hurts.  Her left side… not sure what is up.  I’m hoping rest will help.

Graces September 24, 2010 … Day 8

1.  Having someone I trust to give me my injection
2.  Getting a hug from someone who doesn’t “do” hugs… just because
3.  I made the day of the lady in the coffee shop in the lobby when I told her she looked good and had lost weight
4.  Realizing that maybe I do have a message and that it would be good to get that word out
5.  Planet Green.  I love the programs that are on Planet Green… 30 days… Beekman Boys… Everest… they may not all be like my life, but they are all life and they all talk to me.

2 responses to “Methotrexate Shots

  1. Was this your first shot? My rheumy had me do my first one in her office, supervised by her nurse. That way it wasn’t so scary when I had to do it on my own at home. And they were very clear that I could call and pop in if it turned out that I needed more help.

    It’s great that you had someone who could step up and do it for you. Woo-hoo 🙂


  2. Hi – I found it is much easier to give myself my shot in my leg. The skin right near my knee inside and out. Of couse I have a little extra skin there to use. 🙂 1 year later I dread it every week, but it is easier then it used to be. Hang in there!


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